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[ Display and Select Proteins for Superposition | Superimpose Button | Proteins by 3D | Multiple Proteins | Arrange as Grid | Superimpose by APF ]
Chapter Contents:
Before any superposition operation can be undertaken you need to select the protein structures you wish to superimpose. One way to do this is by selecting in the ICM workspace. For other selection tools please see the Making Selections section of the manual.
Once the molecules are selected you can then superimpose them using the options described in the next section of this manual.
A convenient way to superimpose two molecules is by using the superimpose button in the display tab, ICM will calculate the Ca-atom, backbone atom and heavy atom differences between the two structures. More advanced superimpose options can be found in the Tools/Superimpose menu. To superimpose:
![]() The rmsd will be displayed in the terminal window as shown below:
To superimpose proteins by 3D:
To superimpoe multiple proteins:
Align Residues - Residue correspondence is established by sequence alignment using the ICM ZEGA alignment Abagyan, Batalov, 1997. Atom alignment: by atom name. Match by Res Numbers - Residue alignment by residue number.Atom alignment: by atom name for pairs of identical residues or pairs of close residues (F with Y; B with D,N; D with N; E with Q or Z, Q with Z), for other residue pairs only the backbone atoms ca,c,n,o,hn,ha are aligned. Exact Match - Residue alignment is by the Needleman and Wunsch method. Inside residue atoms are aligned sequentially and regardless of the name.
To separate superimposed proteins:
Here we describe how to superimpose and compare a ligand binding site using Atomic Property Fields. This method is described in more detail in this publication. In this example we superimpose the ligand binding pocket of thiamine diphosphate in the binding sites of pyruvate dehydrogenase (pdb code: 1rp7) and pyruvate decarboxylase (pdb code:1pvd).Even though the sequence identity between both proteins is very low (19%) and the secondary structure surrounding the ligand undergoes considerable displacement you will see that the pockets can still be superimposed very well using the APF method. Some Comments about Selecting the Pocket APF pocket overlay works by superimposing a layer of receptor atoms around the pocket using APF chemical property fields of these atoms "pocket" of course is something that is not uniquely defined and is somewhat subjective. One way to define it is to use the ligand inside, in which case a layer of receptor atoms within a certain cutoff distance from the ligand is considered in superposition. This is "around selected ligand" mode. It focuses on atoms that directly interact with the ligand while largely disregarding backbone fold, which can be helpful when comparing different pockets binding similar ligands. The other mode uses input selections directly, leaving it up to the user to define the sets of atoms that comprise the two pockets. Depending on the system and degree of similarity, different selections may work better or worse. For instance in the absence of ligand one may want to detect pocket with pocket finder and then select residues around the pocket "blob". Regarding the influence of ligand on superposition, if pocket is defined via the ligand it will of course matter whether the ligands extend into certain regions or not. If external pocket definition is used, ligands will have no direct effect on superposition process.
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