ICM Graphics Gallery

Additional ICM Graphics Galleries: Wellcome Trust | Structural Genomics Consortium

Graphics Gallery

ICM Graphics Gallery - Click to enlarge

ICM v3.8-5 and higher now supports MMTF Format for Large Molecules.

The MMTF binary format allows you to read and display millions of atoms.

molSkin - Publication Quality Surfaces

Publication quality image created using the molSkin option - see documentation.

molSkin - Coloring Surface Molecule Contacts

Publication quality image created using the molSkin option - see documentation.

GPCR Structures Supermimposed

Created using accent feature and clipped macroshape. Structures were superimposed using superimpose button in the display tab.

Tobacco Mosaic Virus PDB:2OM3

Created using ICM Biomolecule Generator

Scaled Down CPK Radii

Edge Accent Feature


High Resolution Shadow


Go to Meshes Tab and choose Macroshape option.


Transparent Macroshape

Surface Colored by Binding Property.

Click here for documentation on how to generate this image.

Surface Colored by Electrostatics.

Click here for documentation on how to generate this image.

Adrenergic Receptor PDB:2rh1

Image generated by playing around with the lighting options in the light tab.

TATA box-binding protein PDB:1cdw

Image generated using Meshes Tab/Plain Solid.

Mechanosensitve Channel PDB:2oau

Image generated using Meshes Tab/Macroshape.

Cholera Toxin PDB:1xtc

Image generate using surface option in the Display tab with Sketch Accent (View menu).

ICM Pocket Finder

The ICM Pocket Finder method can find drug like pockets in protein, RNA and DNA molecules.

SYK tyrosine kinase domain with Gleevec PDB:1xbb

Hydrogen bond with receptor shown as spheres and the DFG region colored red. All changes made using the Display tab.

SYK tyrosine kinase domain with Gleevec PDB:1xbb

Receptor pocket surface is shown colored by binding property.

SYK tyrosine kinase domain with Gleevec PDB:1xbb

The ligand pocket is displayed - this representation gives a better indication of where there is space in the pocket to modify your ligand.

Transparency and Shade

Occlusion Shading


The 23S ribosomal subunit