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The main menu file of the ICM program is in $ICMHOME/icm.gui. A user can also create his/her own file in their directory, e.g. ~/.icm/user.gui and read it in user_startup.icm file with the read gui command. There are three possibilities to add a new menu or a popup dialog with action (see also set format for table cell actions).
One icm.gui section consists of the following fields:
An example: MENU Display.Color.White SYNT color white Many examples of how to program controls for the script arguments can be found in the icm.gui file. Creating controls for the main input data types. To create a control for a particular data type one needs to add the following line.
SYNT # t_name ( default1 | default2 ) [ OPTIONS> ]
SYNT # i_enterInt (10) The following input types are possible:
Possible values of OPTIONS are:
SYNT # T_Table_A (*) [RDONLY,LMINWIDTH:110] C_by_Column () [TABLE:1,RESIZE,LMINWIDTH:110] SYNT # { o__inner o_left o_right } [CENTER] SYNT # T_Table_B (*) [RDONLY,LMINWIDTH:110] C_by_Column () [TABLE:6,RESIZE,LMINWIDTH:110]Here column selection ( C_by_Column ) for table B (the 3rd line) is refering to table B . T_Table_B has its reference number as 6 (not 4) because this i_tableReferenceNumber counter counts each o__inner o_left o_right as 3 words in contrast to the dollar-argument number .
Conditional options:
Example of "Extract Ligand" dialog : MENU Extract Ligand(s) COMM Extract ligand into chemical table OPTN !isMini !isPharm ICON bipm_chemring SYNT #1 ms1_ SYNT #2 { o_"2D"_as_2D_drawing o_"3D"_keep_3D_coordinates } SYNT #3 l_append_To_Existing_Table (no) [OPTN:(nChemTable)] X_ (*) [RDONLY,OPTN:($4)] SYNT if ( $3 ) extractLigand $1 $2 $3 Name( $4 table ) SYNT if ( ! $3 ) extractLigand $1 $2 $3 "" Example of "Merge Two Sets" dialog: MENU Chemistry.Merge Two Sets OPTN nTable>1 SYNT # T_Table_A (*) [RDONLY,LMINWIDTH:110] C_by_Column () [TABLE:1,RESIZE,LMINWIDTH:110] SYNT # { o__inner o_left o_right } [CENTER] SYNT # T_Table_B (*) [RDONLY,LMINWIDTH:110] C_by_Column () [TABLE:6,RESIZE,LMINWIDTH:110] SYNT # txt_Hint (inner - only molecules present in BOTH A and B tables are kept<br>left - ALL rows of A are kept<br>right - ALL rows of B are kept) SYNT join $2 $5 $3 Specifying the default values of the arguments The general syntax of the default value specification is: ( value1 | value2 | ...) Where default_value can also be one of the following:
Examples: os1_Select_Object (*) # lists all objects loaded in current session os1_SelectObject ((isIcmObj)) # lists all ICM objects os1_SelectObject (*|Obj(as_graph)@Graphic Selection) # lists all ICM objects plus 'static choice' of graphic selection ms1_Select_Molecule ((!isWater)) # will forms a list of all molecules excluding waters ms1_Select_Molecule ((isAmino)|(isNucl)) # will forms a list of all amino and nucl chain molecules. ms1_Select_Molecule ((isHet)|(isAmino&nResInMol<10)) # list all ligands plus short amino chains (peptides) This is a list of internal GUI functions that can be used in dynamic conditions Functions for the Molecular arguments ( ms1_ .. ):
Functions for the Object arguments ( os1_ .. ):
Suppressing the automatic interpretation of X_ with the % symbol. Note, that the GUI dialogs and controls are generated automatically every time the program finds a letter followed by underscore. For that reason if you want to suppress that action, use the percent symbol, e.g. SYNT print %s_out # do not want to generate a text dialog. SYNT display %as_graph # here you do not want to generate an as_ selection dialog SYNT if Nof(g_distances)==0 delete %g_distances Specifying MIN and MAX values, or adding other controls. SYNT #20 i_Angle (360|MIN:-360|MAX:360) Specifying objects, molecules, residues and atoms More detailed examples. SYNT # f_Input_file|*.mol;*.SD*;*.sd* () # generates a file dialog SYNT # r_Sphere ( 3. ) # here r_ is the type; 3. is the default value SYNT # r_Resolution_Increase (1.2|1.5|1.75|2|2.5|3) # you can provide popular choices SYNT # r_Ribbon_Width (SYS:GRAPHICS.ribbonWidth) # that is how a system variable is redefined The actual icm commands that use those arguments refer to them as $1 $2 .. , e.g. # choose a mesh and save it to a file SYNT # g_mesh (*) SYNT # f_file SYNG write $1 $2 Layout issues Layout defines how various input elements are arranged on the page. ICM arranges all controls in a single line horizontally. Each new line in the dialog definition starts a new horizontal layout. In some cases you need to arrange controls as a grid. BEGINGRID and ENDGRID options should be used to do this: Example: # l_Anilines (yes) [BEGINFRAME:Options,BEGINGRID] l_Nitro (yes) # l_Metals (yes) l_Carboxylic_Acid (yes) # l_Hologen_Hydrides (yes) l_Aldehydes (yes) # l_Alkyl_halides (yes) l_Acid_halides (yes) [ENDGRID,ENDFRAME] Radio-buttons can be also arranged in a several rows/columns. Example: # { o_1_Option_11 [HORIZONTAL:2] o_2_Option_12 o_2_Option_13 o_2_Option_14 o_2_Option_15 } # { o_1_Option_11 [VERTICAL:2] o_2_Option_12 o_2_Option_13 o_2_Option_14 o_2_Option_15 } Creating a dialog with tabs. Each page (tab) should be started with '%%%Page_Name' line. Then follows a page declaration. Example: MENU &File.Tabs Example SYNT %%%Page1 SYNT # s_Text_1 ("aaa") [REQUIRED] SYNT print $1 SYNT %%%Page2 SYNT # s_Text_2 ("bbb") [REQUIRED] SYNT print $1 SYNT %%%Page3 SYNT # s_Text_3 ("ccc") [REQUIRED] SYNT print $1 Creating a wizard dialog. You may easily convert your tab dialog into wizard dialog by replacing '%%%' with '^'. Example: MENU &File.Wizard Example SYNT ^^^Page1 SYNT # s_Text_1 ("aaa") [REQUIRED] SYNT print $1 SYNT ^^^Page2 SYNT # s_Text_2 ("bbb") [REQUIRED] SYNT print $1 SYNT ^^^Page3 SYNT # s_Text_3 ("ccc") [REQUIRED] SYNT print $1See also: Askg
Adding custom user functions to 'Insert Column' This section contains description of the syntax to custom function for Insert Column dialog. Example: CFUN newgroup.Ligand_Strain SYNT # (X)->r SYNT funcLigStrain(%1) Each column function start with CFUN which contains dot separated path in the form of folder1.folder2.funcname Existing folders ID are:
For example to add new function into 'New' folder the path should look like: creat.MyNewFunc The SYNT section should contain one or more template description. Each template description line start with '#' Template describes the type of arguments and the result type. The syntax: (<arguments>)->(<result>), brackets are optional arguments: space or comma-separated values in format: type:argname=default Types combination of: i r s l w I R S X (Uppercase: array, lowcase: constant) "I" will accept both integer column (Iarray) and integer constant 1I 1R 1S 1IR 1IRSX .. -- no constants allowed (only arrays) Examples:
The line in the SYNT section which does not start with '#' will be treated as an arithmetic expression which calculates the column value. It may contain any arithmetic operators, constants, shell functions and user functions. See add column function for details.
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