Copyright © 2020, Molsoft LLC Feb 20 2025
In ICM, a pipe (|) is a way to efficiently send the output of one command or program directly as input to another command or program without creating an intermediate file. All the available scripts for piping tables are in the $ICMHOME/molpipe directory.
Setting up your ICM EnvironmentIn ICM scripting, setshell is a command used to execute shell commands within an ICM session. It allows you to interact with the operating system’s command-line environment (e.g., Bash on Linux/macOS) from within an ICM script.Use 'setshell' to set the path to your version of ICM:
./setshell /usr/local/icm/icm64 or set a PATH to $ICMHOME/molpipe
Available ScriptsRead (from SDF,SMILES,MOLT,MOLCART)
View the result in GUI
molcount.icm myfile.sdf # counts the number of chemical cat myfile.sdf | molcount.icm # the same but reads the input from file molgrep.icm c1cccnc1 t.sdf | molhead.icm # view first hits molgrep.icm c1cccnc1 t.sdf | molcount.icm # count matches molgrep.icm c1cccnc1 t.sdf | molcharge.icm -proc=3 | molto3d.icm -proc=3 | mol2sdf.icm > t_hits_3d.sdf # calculate number of racemic centers and enumerate enantiomers molrdsdf.icm input.sdf | molcalcprop.icm "Icm::Nof(mol,chiral,3)[1]" nof_rac | molenantiomers.icm | molview.icm # create 3D conformers and create index from the result (confgen.sh is just a wrapper around _confGen script ) confgen.sh out.sdf - | molmkindex.icm confout # will create confout.sdf and confout.inx # Lipinksi filter # read SDF, apply Lipinski filter and convert output to smiles molrsdf.icm file.sdf | molfilter.icm "MolWeight(mol)<=500 & MolLogP(mol)<=5 & Nof_HBD(mol) <= 5 & Nof_HBA(mol)<=10" | mol2smi.icm
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