Oct 21 2010 Feedback.
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Local Databases
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 Browse Database
 Edit Database
 Query Local Database
PrevICM User's Guide
20.3 Edit Database

To make any changes to a database you must first unlock it:

  • Click on the Allow editing rows button which has a picture of a lock on it.
  • Once this button has been selected the Delete Rows, New Row, and Update DB buttons will become activate.

To delete rows

  • Select the row(s) by clicking on the row numbers. A range of rows can be selected by holding the shift key and clicking a non-contiguous set of rows can be selected by holding down the control key.
  • Click the Delete Rows button.

To insert a new row

  • Select a row.
  • Click on the New Row button. A new row will be inserted underneath the selected row.
  • Click Update DB

To edit strings and numbers in a row

  • Double click on the cell you wish to edit and then enter a new value.
  • Click Update DB

To edit a chemical (2D sketch):

  • Right click on the cell and select Edit Molecule
  • Make changes using the Molecular Editor
  • Click Update DB

Browse Database
Query Local Database

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