Oct 25 2010 Feedback.
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Protein Structure
Molecular Graphics
 Molecule Represenations
 Distances and Angles
 Graphics Effects
  Sketch Accents
  Elegant Sketch
  Animate View
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 High Quality Images
Slides and Documents
Protein Superposition
5.6 Graphics Effects

[ Fog | Shadows | Sketch Accents | Elegant Sketch | Perspective | Animate View ]

All the visual effects tools can be accesed by the View Menu or click on the corresponding button in the View Tools panel shown below.

5.6.1 Fog

Fog Toggle(Ctrl + D) : this feature creates a fog-like environment for your object, so that the part of your structure that is closer appears clear and the distant parts are faded as if they are in fog. The clipping planes control the point at which the fog begins.

  • View/Fog

5.6.2 Shadows

  • View/Shadows


    select the shadow button shown below.

5.6.3 Sketch Accents

To make images as shown below use:

  • View/Sketch Accents

5.6.4 Elegant Ribbon & Ligand Sketch

  • Display Tab
  • Click and hold Hydrogen button
  • Select Elegant Ribbon+Sketch

5.6.5 Perspective

Toggle perspective Ctrl_P this will add perspective to your structure, enhancing depth in the graphical display.

  • View/Perspective

5.6.6 Animate View

This tool is described in more detail in the Molecular Animations and Transitions section.

Delete Label
Graphics Shortcuts

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