Oct 21 2010 Feedback.
How To Guide
 ICM-Browser Guide
 ICM-Browser-Pro Guide
  Structure Analysis
  Superimpose Proteins
  Crystallographic Tools
  Sequence Analysis
 ActiveICM Guide
 ICM-Chemist Guide
 ICM-Chemist-Pro Guide
Getting Started
Molecular Graphics
Slides and Documents
Movie Making
Sequences & Alignments
Protein Structure Analysis
Protein Superposition
Crystallographic Analysis
Homology & Modeling
3D Predict
Molecular Mechanics
Chemsitry Menu
Ligand Editor
Local Databases
PrevICM User's Guide
2.2 ICM-Browser-Pro How To Guide

[ Download | Graphics | Structure Analysis | Surfaces | Superimpose Proteins | Crystallographic Tools | Sequence Analysis | Plots ]

NOTE: ICM-Browser-Pro contains all the features in ICM-Browser. Click here for the ICM-Browser How To Guide.

2.2.1 Download and Install ICM-Browser-Pro

Getting Started: Download and Install ICM-Browser-Pro
Download ICM-Browser-Pro Distribution.Download
Install ICM-Browser-Pro.Windows Linux Mac

2.2.2 Graphics

Graphics and Movie Making
How to generate the shadow effect.HTML GUI Manual
How to make a screenshot movieHTML GUI Manual
How to make a view-defined movieHTML GUI Manual
How to move a molecule independently of the other display objects (Connect).HTML GUI Manual

2.2.3 Protein Structure Analysis

Protein Structure Analysis
How to calculate contact areas between molecules.HTML GUI Manual
How to identify closed cavities.HTML GUI Manual
How to calculate surface area.HTML GUI Manual
How to generate interactive Ramachandran plots.HTML GUI Manual

2.2.4 Surfaces

How to generate electrostatic and binding property surfaces.HTML GUI Manual
How to connect and rotate/translate surface (mesh).HTML GUI Manual
How to crop a mesh/surface.HTML GUI Manual
How to save a mesh/surface.HTML GUI Manual

2.2.5 Superimpose Proteins

Superimpose Proteins
How to superimpose proteins based on 3D by visible atoms, C-alpha, backbone or heavy atoms.HTML GUI Manual
How to superimpose multiple proteins based on aligned residues..HTML GUI Manual
How to superimpose by specific interatomic pairs.HTML GUI Manual

2.2.6 Crystallographic Tools

Crystallographic Tools
How to contour electron density.HTML GUI Manual
How to display crystallographic cell.HTML GUI Manual
How to display crystallographic symmetry.HTML GUI Manual
How to convert x-ray density to a grid.HTML GUI Manual

2.2.7 Sequence Analysis

Sequence Analysis
How to annotate an alignment - box and shade.HTML GUI Manual
How to annotate an alignment with text.HTML GUI Manual
How to display secondary structure in an alignment.HTML GUI Manual
How to extract sequences from pdb files.HTML GUI Manual
How to assign secondary structure.HTML GUI Manual
How to link sequence, alignments, and structures.HTML GUI Manual
How to save as image, print, and delete sequences and alignments.HTML GUI Manual

2.2.8 Plotting Tools

Plotting Tools
Make fully interactive colorful X-Y plots and histograms with up to 4 dimensions.HTML GUI Manual
Save plot and histogram as image.HTML GUI Manual

Distances and Angles
ActiveICM Guide

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