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2.2 ActiveICM How To Guide - Create 3D Molecular Documents for the Web and PowerPoint

[ Download | Slides | Documents | PowerPoint | Web ]

This guide is focused on how to make fully interactive 3D documents for Windows PowerPoint and the Web. For more information on the other features in ICM-Browser please see the ICM-Browser User Guide.

Creating 3D Documents Is Straightforward

For written documentation please see the ActiveICM User Guide and the ICM-Browser User Guide. Please see the videos below for a guide to generating fully-interactive 3D molecular files in PowerPoing and on the Web.

How to Download and Install ICM-Browser

How to Download and Install AvtiveICM

How to Generate a Series of Fully-Interactive 3D Slides

How to Add Hyperlinked HTML Text to a 3D Document File

How to Embed Fully-Interactive 3D Documents into a PowerPoint File

How to Embed Fully-Interactive 3D Documents into a Web Browser

2.2.1 Download and Install ActiveICM.

Getting Started: Download and Install ICM-Browser and ActiveICM.
Download ICM-Browser Distribution.Download
Install ICM-Browser Instructions.Windows Linux Mac
Download ActiveICM Distribution.Download
Install ActiveICM. Windows Linux Mac

2.2.2 How to Create a Series of Fully-Interactive 3D Slides.

Creating Slides How to Create a Series of Fully-Interactive 3D Slides.
How to Make Fully Interactive 3D Slides HTML GUI Manual
How to Animate Slides HTML GUI Manual
How to View and Navigate Slides in the ICM-Browser. HTML GUI Manual
How to Edit Slides. HTML GUI Manual
How to Add Smooth Blending and Transition Effects Between Slides. HTML GUI Manual

2.2.3 How to Create Molecular Documents

How to Create Molecular Documents: Linking Slides to HTML Text.
How to Create an HTML Document. HTML GUI Manual
How to Edit an HTML Document. HTML GUI Manual
How to Make a Hyperlink Between HTML Text and a Slide. HTML GUI Manual

2.2.4 How to Display Molecular Documents in PowerPoint

How to Display Molecular Documents in PowerPoint
How to Embed in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 HTML GUI Manual
How to Embed in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 HTML GUI Manual
How to Use ActiveICM in PowerPoint HTML GUI Manual
How to Change ActiveICM Component Properties in PowerPoint HTML GUI Manual
Advanced use of ActiveICM: Macros to direct visualisation changes. HTML GUI Manual

2.2.5 How to Display Molecular Documents on the Web

How to Display Molecular Documents in Web Browsers
How to Display Molecular Documents in Web Browsers HTML GUI Manual

Distances and Angles
ICM-Browser Guide

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