Oct 25 2010 Feedback.
How Tos & Videos
 ICM-Browser Guide
  Graphical Display
  Labels and Annotations
  Convert, Hydrogens and Pockets
  Distances and Angles
 ActiveICM Guide
Getting Started
Protein Structure
Molecular Graphics
Slides and Documents
Protein Superposition
2.1 ICM-Browser How To Guide

[ Download | Graphical Display | Effects | Labels and Annotations | Convert, Hydrogens and Pockets | Images | Superimpose | Distances and Angles ]

For instructions on how to use ICM-Browser to make fully-interactive 3D slides and publish them in PowerPoint and the web please see the ActiveICM User Guide. ActiveICM is a free plugin for Windows PowerPoint and web browsers. Other related tutorials include:

2.1.1 Download and Install ICM-Browser

Getting Started: Download and Install ICM-Browser and ActiveICM.
Download ICM-Browser Distribution.Download
Install ICM-Browser Instructions.Windows Linux Mac
Download ActiveICM Distribution.Download
Install ActiveICM. Windows Linux Mac

2.1.2 How to use the Graphical Display

How to use the Graphical Display
How to load a PDB structure. HTML GUI Manual
How to Move a Structure in the Graphical Display. HTML GUI Manual
How to use the Graphics window controls. HTML GUI Manual
How to Make Selections. HTML GUI Manual
How to Change the Selection Level and Mode. HTML GUI Manual
How to Check What is Selected. HTML GUI Manual
How to use the ICM Workspace Panel HTML GUI Manual
How to Display a Molecule. HTML GUI Manual
How to Change Protein Representation. HTML GUI Manual
How to remove chain breaks (dotted lines). HTML GUI Manual
How to Color. HTML GUI Manual
How to Display a Binding Pocket Surface HTML GUI Manual
How to (Un)Display Hydrogens. HTML GUI Manual
How to Save an ICM Object. HTML GUI Manual
How to Save an ICM Project File. HTML GUI Manual
How to Drag and Drop. HTML GUI Manual
How to: Right Click Options. HTML GUI Manual
How to Move Windows. HTML GUI Manual
How to Arrange Windows HTML GUI Manual

2.1.3 How to change Graphics Effects

How to change Graphics Effects
How to display the FOG effect. HTML GUI Manual
How to display side-by-side stereo. HTML GUI Manual
How to toggle full screen mode. HTML GUI Manual
How to adjust perspective. HTML GUI Manual
How to change the lighting. HTML GUI Manual
How to display sketch accents. HTML GUI Manual
How to display elegant ribbon and ligand sketch. HTML GUI Manual

2.1.4 How to add Labels and Annotations

How to add Labels and Annotations
How to Label Residues. HTML GUI Manual
How to Label Atoms. HTML GUI Manual
How to Label Variables. HTML GUI Manual
How to Display and Undisplay Sites. HTML GUI Manual
How to Make and Display Annotations. HTML GUI Manual
How to Make and Display 2D and 3D Labels. HTML GUI Manual

2.1.5 How to Convert Proteins, Display Hydrogens and Ligand Binding Pocket.

Convert Protein, Display Hydrogens and Ligand Binding Pocket.
How to Convert a PDB Structure into an ICM Object. HTML GUI Manual
How to Display Ligand Binding Pocket. HTML GUI Manual

2.1.6 How to Make High Quality Publication Images

How to Make High Quality Publication Images
How to Toggle High Quality Display HTML GUI Manual
How to Toggle Antialiasing. HTML GUI Manual
How to Copy Image to ClipBoard HTML GUI Manual
How to Write an Image. HTML GUI Manual
How to Use the Advanced Write Image Options. HTML GUI Manual
How to Add an Image to the ICM Photo Album. HTML GUI Manual

2.1.7 How to Superimpose Protein Structures.

How to Superimpose Protein Structures.
How to Superimpose One or More Protein Structures. HTML GUI Manual

2.1.8 How to Measure Distances and Angles.

How to Measure Distances and Angles.
How to Measure Distances Between Two Atoms. HTML GUI Manual
How to Measure Distances From One Atom to Many. HTML GUI Manual
How to Show Corresponding Distances in Two Objects. HTML GUI Manual
How to Display the Ruler Bar. HTML GUI Manual

How Tos & Videos
ActiveICM Guide

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