Mar 27 2025 Feedback. |
[ Download | NVIDIA Grapics Card Error | MolCart 64 Bit | MolCart Install | Specifications | Stereohard faq | Quad Buffer | Anaglyph Stereo | Faq plist | Admin Error | Faq gl failure | Graphics defects | Ts crash qlock | Stereo Fix | Time Machine | Font Mac | Set Server | Empty Hostid | Side by side error | Image Error ] Installation FAQ:
To permanently fix this problem you need to add the following line to /etc/logindevperm file 0 0666 /dev/nvidiactl:/dev/nvidia0:/dev/nvidia1:/dev/nvidia2:/dev/nvidia3
If you are installing MolCart and you come across this error:
Error> Can't open shared library '' (errno: 22 canno t open shared object file: No such file or dire) (/usr/molcart-1.9-1/regmol cart:52) Error> error while running 'ExecSql(string("CREATE FUNCTION molcart_versi. ..))' (/usr/molcart-1.9-1/regmolcart:52) Error> error while running 'regFunction(string("molcart_version"),string(" STRING"),)' (/usr/molcart-1.9-1/regmolcart:96) Solution-- For 64 bit platforms should be used instead of
Save the MolCart license in:
The minimum specifications to run ICM are described here
Hardware stereo for Windows (in-window)
Yes - change the stereo mode to in-a-window. To do this File/Preferences/Graphics Tab and change stereo Mode.
Yes - see the documentation here.
Situation: You are stuck with a large font size or other GUI preference and can not restore the defaults. Solution:
open ~/Library/Preferences/com.molsoft.plist then change Molsoft.WorkspaceFontSize to 12 (or similar) If it gives you a GUI window with access to the ICM configuration variables, change the ones you need if the file is shown as text, just delete it: rm ~/Library/Preferences/
To solve this error:
Some Linux installations need extra setup to permit the use of the GL graphics. Description of the problem ICM starts, GUI is launched and works OK, however ICM crashes after the first attempt to display any 3D object in the GL window. System issues an error message stating: "Error: Could not open /dev/nvidiactl because the permissions are too restrictive. Please see the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS section of /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/README for steps to correct." Solution (tested only for the Suse Linux): do not follow the instructions contained in the /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/README document. Instead do the following:
This problem can manifest itself in multiple ways, but always with the FOG depth-cueing effect on. Usually graphics behaves strangely, for example:
Some inexpensive graphics cards (e.g. Intel 82915G/GV910GL Express Chipset Family) have a problem with high level of hardware acceleration. 3D labels or site labels disappear when you press a FOG button. We found that the problem is due to the hardware acceleration. By switching to the lower levels of hardware acceleration one can avoid the problem. Solution: switch the FOG effect off, or change the settings of OpenGL acceleration.
Platform under which this problem had been detected: Linux ICM may hang of crash when you are trying to start an new window with a Chemical editor, or a Query. One possible reason is that for some reason the molsoft preference file in the ~/.qt directory is locked. In this case there is the .lock file which need to be deleted. Recovery under Unix/Linux.Delete the file called .molsoftrc.lock in the .qt directory rm .qt/.molsoftrc.lock
ICM is working fine but for some reason your stereo is not working. Check if "Stereo Mode" preference is set to "in-a-window" in ICM. To do this :
Upon ICM startup on a Mac you might see this message: This process is attempting to exclude an item from Time Machine by path without administrator privileges. This is not supported. This message is related to QT and does not affect the performance of ICM in any way so the message can be ignored.
In Windows sometimes the license server name is not remembered and you have to enter the server name each time you open ICM. To fix this:
Question: I run lmhostid and it returns empty string or just zeros. e.g. The FLEXlm host ID of this machine is "" or
The FLEXlm host ID of this machine is "000000000000" Answer:This happens if system has non-standard name for the network card which does not start with 'eth'. Flexlm wants at least one network adapter to be named eth0 or eth1 etc.. Fixing the problem: To check the list of all available network card type:
/sbin/ifconfig -a If nothing starts with 'eth' then you need to edit file below: sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules Then you need to change NAME= field in at least one line. (comment the original line). For example to change wlan0 -> eth0 modify the file like below:
# SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="20:16:d8:13:10:2e", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="wlan0" SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="20:16:d8:13:10:2e", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="eth0" Reboot the system and check 'lmhostid' again. It should be non-empty.
This error can be fixed by:
With some graphics drivers the high resolution image may be distorted or multiple representations of the image in one frame. The are two ways to write the high res image (internally the different openGL API is used)
If one way causes the problem then we recommend to try the other way. If both does not work, the only way is to try to decrease resolution.
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