Mar 27 2025 Feedback. |
[ Script | call _startup | Dollar Scripts | Faq foreground table ] Are you having problems with an ICM script? See if your question is answered here
A common problem when running an ICM script from the command line is that people forget to call the startup file and therefore common commands in ICM are not recognized (eg the output says "convertObject: unknown word") The start of your ICM script should look something like this with call _startup included:
#!/usr/bin/icm call _startup
In ICM you need to use '$' ONLY before string variable which contains the name of the OTHER variable or expression. (that different from Perl) Using dollar in most other cases won't hurt (e.g: $a (where a is an integer variable) but will have no effect and only will make parsing/execution heavier. For example: a = 1 # the two lines below are equivalent print $a print a Example of dollar usage:
a = 1 s = "a" print $s # will print the content of 'a' variable # for i=1,10 s = "a" + i $s = i endfor Will create a1,a2,...a10 variable with corresponding values. So you should consider '$' as a substitution of the content of the string variable after it.
build string "AAA" s = String( a_ ) print s $s
To determine the name of the current active table in GUI:
Name( foreground table ) This will return a sarray because there might by two active tables (when you double click on the tab and for side-by side view). To access the table using $ sign:
s_tableName = Name( foreground table )[1] $s_tableName.mol
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