ICM Manual v.3.9
by Ruben Abagyan,Eugene Raush and Max Totrov
Copyright © 2025, Molsoft LLC
Mar 25 2025

Reference Guide
 ICM options
 Alignment Editor
 Cgi programming with icm
 Xml drugbank example
 Tree cluster
 Flow control
 Energy Terms
 Chemical Functions
 Gui programming
 Icm shell functions
Command Line User's Guide
PrevICM Language Reference
Graphics controls

Abbreviations: MB is Mouse Button. You may use explicit control buttons on the right vertical tool panel or keep it at the default (Esc brings you to the default state) and use the Graphical window.
action contol
rotate left(main) MB
translate middle MB, or left MB in the middle of lower window margin
middle MB, or left MB in the middle of lower window margin
ms_ molecule selection a_1.2 ; a_a,b ; a_*.*
rotate with the left mouse button, translate, drag, crop, and zoom (drag along the left window margin) with the middle button, and select/pop with the right button. However these are only the defaults which can be customized.
The default shortcut keys are stored in the icm.clr file. Therefore the mapping of keys/mouse buttons to particular graphics operations is flexible and can be easily redefined. The GUI controls and the popup menu are additional to the older shortcut keys listed here. The following shortcut keys to speed up operations in the graphics window (see the quick graphics reference guide) are defined by default. If some of these definitions are not working, check your icm.clr file in the $ICMHOME directory and modify the key/mouse-operation mapping to your liking.

Quick graphics reference guide

It is necessary to have the cursor in the graphics window. For some operations you may need to move cursor in a specified area (e.g. left margin) of the window. (Note for Windows 95/Windows NT version's users: if you use a two-button mouse hold the left button and the SPACE key instead of the middle mouse button (see picture-prompt for two-button mouse). Some controls use only a margin on the screen (e.g. Bottom5 means the bottom 5% of the graphics viewing area).
Note: if your SGI hardware stereo does not work properly you may need to install IRIX6.4 patches 2448, 2771 and 2843.

SHIFT key enforces

simple LeftMB (MB stands for Mouse Button)
continuous Shift-Bottom5- LeftMB
Z-axis clockwise LeftMB at top margin ( or ALT +Z)
Z-axis counterclockwise LeftMB at top margin or CTRL +Z
individual torsion angle in ICM-object CTRL (or CTRL+SHIFT) LeftMB on reference atom

SHIFT key enforces

GRAPHICS.resLabelDrag controls residue
label dragging

XY-plane (dragging) MiddleMB
drag atom in non-ICM object CTRL LeftMB at the dragged atom
Z-axis MiddleMB at right margin
ZOOM zoom in MiddleMB at left margin or SHIFT MiddleMB up
zoom out MiddleMB at left margin or SHIFT MiddleMB down
back plane ALT MiddleMB or Right5-MiddleMB
slice/slab (move both planes) CTRL+ALT MiddleMB
unclip CTRL+U
LABELING label atom or grob RightMB-click
label residue double RightMB-click
paste atom's/grob's name to command line CTRL-SHIFT RightMB (or under Gui: RightMB on atom and release on 1st item)
paste residue name to the command line CTRL double-RightMB (GUI: RightMB on residue, popup menu and release on 1st item. Use the residue selection level, R)
set 3D cursor to the residue (move with arrows) CTRL-SHIFT double RightMB
CONNECT for independent movement of molecule(s) SELECT GROB(S) for changing size or color disconnect/unselect everything ESC or double RightMB-click, cursor in any empty area of the screen
connect to molecule or grob CTRL+ALT RightMB-click on atom or vertex
connect to more molecule(s)/grob(s) CTRL+ALT+SHIFT RightMB-click
select/edit grob double RightMB-click
add new grob to a selection SHIFT double LeftMB-click on grob
MODES side-by-side stereo on/off CTRL+S
hardware stereo on/off ALT+S
full screen on/off CTRL+F
perspective view on/off CTRL+P
fog ( depth cueing ) on/off CTRL+D
change resLabelStyle preference CTRL+L
change resLabelStyle preference CTRL+A
change background color CTRL+E / CTRL+Q
change "skin" color of the selected grob(s) CTRL+E / CTRL+Q
change "wire" color of the selected grobs ALT+E / ALT+Q
change display modes of the selected grobs CTRL+X
MISCELLANEOUS delete string label pointed by the cursor BACKSPACE
gui (graphical user interface) CTRL+G
drag the box MiddleMB-click at boxCorner

Alignment Editor

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