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The records, or rows, of any table can be clustered into a hierarchical tree, and one or several trees associated with this table can be stored with it, displayed and edited in the ICM GUI, and deleted. A tree is created with the make tree command. We can decide 1) the tree type and, 2) the distance function between two table rows, as well as establish a number of arguments. Then a tree object is added to the header of the table and is stored together with the table. The table gets a new column with the tree order, and optionally two new elements: and a column with the branch number at a certain level, (option split) and the distance matrix (option matrix). The related commands and functions:
Example: # create a distance matrix m=Matrix(5,3) m[2,1:3]={1. 0. 0.} m[3,1:3]={1. 1. 0.} m[4,1:3]={1. 1. 1.} m[5,1:3]={1. 0.1 0.1} D = Distance( m ) # create a table and move distance matrix into header group table t { "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" } "label" {1. 2. 2. 1. 4. } "val" group table t append header D "dm" make tree t distance = "dm" # uses external distance matrix for clustering # get cluster number with threshold set to the middle cl = Split( t.cluster, Max( t.cluster )/2 ) add column t cl name="cl" # group by cluster and take rows by smallest value of "val" column group t.cl t.val "min" all "refmin" name="t1"
This involves several steps:
Example: read table mol s_icmhome + "drug_groups.sdf" make tree drug_groups I = Index( drug_groups.cluster center 0.4 ) # divide at threshold 0.4
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