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  Specs faq
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PrevICM User's Guide
21.2 FAQ Hardware

[ Specs faq | Stereohard faq | Faq quad buffer ]

21.2.1 What are the minimum specifications to run ICM on my computer?

The minimum specifications to run ICM are described in the introduction.

21.2.2 Stereo Hardware Questions

Hardware stereo for SGI (in-window)


In the Stereo mode, the ICM window is bigger than the actual screen size; thus, many items are not displayed within the screen. Is there a way to fix that?


This is the way SGI handles the Stereo mode. Depending on the type of graphics card, the additional memory necessary for the left/right screen buffers is obtained by lowering the actual resolution. The XP Windows system however remains unaware of lesser amount of visible pixels - for instance, you can move the mouse beyond the screen. As the size (in pixels) of all (not just ICM) windows remains the same, their apparent size is bigger at a lower resolution. Normally we would just resize the window.

Hardware stereo for Windows (in-window)


I have NVIDIA Quadro4 750 (or 800/890) installed on my Windows machine but the hardware stereo does not work in ICM. What do I do ?


The settings for your graphics card need to be changed. Perform the following steps to check and correct the problem:
1. Go to Start -> Control Panel.

2. Double click the icon labeled 'Display'.
3. Choose the 'Settings' tab.
4. Click the button labeled 'Advanced'.
5. Choose the tab labeled 'Quadro4'.
6. From the menu on the left, choose the OpenGL settings.
7. In the dialog that appears, find and enable the option labeled "Enable quadrobuffered stereo API".

8. Click the OK button to save your changes.

21.2.3 Does ICM support quad-buffer stereo?

Yes - change the stereo mode to in-a-window. To do this File/Preferences/Graphics Tab and change stereo Mode.

MolCart Install
FAQ-Graphics and Display

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