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  NVIDIA Grapics Card Error
  MolCart 64 Bit
  MolCart Install
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PrevICM User's Guide
21.1 FAQ Installation

[ NVIDIA Grapics Card Error | MolCart 64 Bit | SGI | MolCart Install ]

Installation FAQ:

21.1.1 I downloaded and installed ICM. It seems to start fine. However it dies every time I try to open something, giving an NVIDIA error. NVIDIA: Could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied).

To permanently fix this problem you need to add the following line to /etc/logindevperm file

0 0666 /dev/nvidiactl:/dev/nvidia0:/dev/nvidia1:/dev/nvidia2:/dev/nvidia3

21.1.2 MolCart installation error on 64Bit machines

If you are installing MolCart and you come across this error:

Error> Can't open shared library 'chemlib.so' (errno: 22 chemlib.so: canno
t open shared object file: No such file or dire) (/usr/molcart-1.9-1/regmol
Error> error while running 'ExecSql(string("CREATE FUNCTION molcart_versi.
..))' (/usr/molcart-1.9-1/regmolcart:52)
Error> error while running 'regFunction(string("molcart_version"),string("
STRING"),)' (/usr/molcart-1.9-1/regmolcart:96)

Solution-- For 64 bit platforms molcart-1.9-1-linux64.sh should be used instead of molcart-1.9-1-linux.sh

21.1.3 SGI ICM installation problem

Question: I have a nodelocked license for ICM for SGI/Linux. I followed the installation instructions but ICM will not run and reports a license problem. What do I do?


  1. Be sure that you installed and configured the package correctly by doing the following:
    • Check the system variable ICMHOME by executing the command

      echo $ICMHOME

      and make sure that it points to the correct location where ICM was installed.

    • Check the license file by executing the following commands:

      ls -l $ICMHOME/license.dat
      cat $ICMHOME/license.dat

      Make sure everyone can read this file and that the contents are exactly the same as the original contents you received from Molsoft.

    • Check if you have a system variable with the name MOLSOFTD_LICENSE_FILE by executing the command


      and make sure it points to the correct license.dat file in your ICMHOME directory.
      Note: You may not need this system variable - Correct it only if you have it.

    • Check if you have a system variable with the name LM_LICENSE_FILE by executing the command

      echo $LM_LICENSE_FILE

      and make sure it points to the correct license.dat file in your ICMHOME directory.

      Note: You may not need this system variable - Correct it only if you have it.

    • Check if you have a file ~/.flexlmrcby executing the command

      cat ~/.flexlmrc

      and make sure it points to the correct license.dat file in your ICMHOME directory.
      Note: You may not need this file. You can delete it and it will be created automatically the first time ICM starts successfully.

    • Download the lmhostid utility for SGI and run it on your system. Compare the output hostid number with the hostid number in your $ICMHOME/license.dat file. They must be the same.
      cd ___the_path_where_you_download_the_lmhostid_utility___
      chmod a+x lmhostid

    • Set the flexlm diagnostic system variable to see which license file ICM will use on startup by executing the command

      setenv FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS 3 # if you use c-shell
      FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS=3; export FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS; # if you use bash/sh shell

    • Run the ICM executable and check the diagnostic information to see if ICM uses the correct license file from $ICMHOME directory
  2. If the steps from previous section do not help and ICM is still not working, send the EXACT COMPLETE output for the commands listed below to info@molsoft.com:

    echo $ICMHOME

    ls -l $ICMHOME/license.dat
    cat $ICMHOME/license.dat
    cat ~/.flexlmrc
    cd ___the_path_where_you_download_the_lmhostid_utility___

    chmod a+x lmhostid

    #--- use only one of these two commands
    setenv FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS 3 # if you use c-shell
    # or

    FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS=3; export FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS; # if you use bash/sh shell

    whereis icm
    # make sure you use the correct path to your new icm executable
    #--- if you installed ICM to a different location use the path

    # you choosed during the installation process
    icm -free -s -e "Version(full)";

    When we receive the log of the commands listed above, we will send you instructions for your specific problem.

21.1.4 Where do I save my MolCart license?

Save the MolCart license in:



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